Being the salt and light of the world

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Jesus loved using parables and metaphors to make his teachings more relatable for people. In Matthew 5, He used the phrases “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” to describe believers, and for good reason.

During the time He mentioned these, salt was as valuable as any mineral there was – so much so that Roman soldiers were given their wages in varying weights of salt and the Greeks deemed it divine. Lacking technology commonly used in the modern age to preserve food, people then made use of salt as preservative. For example, the bounty that fishermen have caught should immediately be packed in salt, otherwise, they spoil quickly.

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To be the salt of the earth means to “preserve” the world by helping people turn away from sins that corrupt their spiritual lives.

If salt is an agent of preservation, being the light was used to allude to believers’ role of illumination. Life without God is life in darkness, therefore, through their deeds, actions, and words, Christians should reflect the light of God so that people will come to accept Him in their life, too. And this entails living in accordance to the Word of God and continuing to abide in the love of the Father.

Westside Family Church, a Christian organization in Lenexa, KS, is committed to spreading love to everyone by welcoming people of any walk of life into the fold and helping them discover the unconditional grace of Jesus Christ. Visit this website for more Biblical discussion.


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