
Showing posts from August, 2017

What It Means To Be An Inclusive Church

When Jesus lived among mankind more than two thousand years ago, He went beyond social boundaries to minister to as many people as possible. In Mark 2, Jesus, along with His disciples, went to the house of a tax collector named Levi to dine with him. There were also a lot of people present, including many other tax men and sinners, causing religious leaders who saw what had happened to question Jesus’s decision to eat in the company of these men. Jesus’s answer was, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Image source : What Jesus did was to show that God’s kingdom belongs to everyone, including the outcasts, the hopeless, the marginalized, and the like. Present-day churches should imitate what Christ did by bringing people to Him, whether they are inside or outside the four walls of the church. Everyone should be welcome to the church, regardless of race, wealth, age, p