
Being the salt and light of the world

I mage source: Jesus loved using parables and metaphors to make his teachings more relatable for people. In Matthew 5, He used the phrases “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” to describe believers, and for good reason. During the time He mentioned these, salt was as valuable as any mineral there was – so much so that Roman soldiers were given their wages in varying weights of salt and the Greeks deemed it divine. Lacking technology commonly used in the modern age to preserve food, people then made use of salt as preservative. For example, the bounty that fishermen have caught should immediately be packed in salt, otherwise, they spoil quickly. I mage source: To be the salt of the earth means to “preserve” the world by helping people turn away from sins that corrupt their spiritual lives. If salt is an agent of preservation, being the light was used to allude to believers’ role of illumination. Life without God is life in

What the Bible says about giving to the poor and homeless

Image source: There are many opinions as to how Christians should respond to the poor and homeless. Some Christians are comfortable giving money to beggars, believing it’s up to them to determine its use. Others would much instead share their water, food, and other non-monetary items with the belief that it’s better to give exactly what they need instead of money which then can be used to buy alcohol or drugs. The Bible commands believers to help the poor. A Christian must ask guidance from the Lord as to how to give to the poor. There will be times when giving money would be necessary, while there will be moments when handing out hot meals and fresh water would be better. Other Christians prefer providing homeless with free transportation to local shelters or donate directly to the shelter to maintain its services. Image source: The best way to address the need without enabling the sin is to direct the homeless to a food bank

Foster care: How it can change lives

Image source:   Countless children in many local communities are left with no home or safe place to stay, whether due to neglect, abuse, or the absence of family to call their own. This makes foster care an important service and initiative, providing kids in need the safe, loving, and nurturing environment to grow and live. Foster care is meant to be temporary, but this doesn’t make it any less significant. It is a massive help to children looking for a safe haven, especially when parents are unable to take care of them or nurture them physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. The benefits are endless, including providing them a secure environment to live, opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise, and a chance to reach their full potential. Image source:   Families and organizations in every neighborhood are a crucial instrument of God’s love when they open their homes to these children in crisis. Foster care families

What Does The Bible Say About Giving?

Giving seems to be a topic that’s highly emphasized in the Bible. Although not overtly mentioned as giving, acts like sacrifices and offerings pertain to it. From the Old Testament to the New, it played a vital role in the life of person devoted to God. For Christians today, it should never be overlooked. Image source: God is a giving God. He gives from His abundance, and it is always in His heart to do so. No other being can forgive the sins of the world but God the Father through the death of Jesus on the cross, and as Christians believe in the miracle of Christ’s resurrection, they are given eternal life. No amount of money and deeds can pay for the sins of men, but only through the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross. Christians are called to give as Christ gave. Jesus served the people around Him when He walked on earth. He showed them mercy and compassion, and forgiveness for their sins—something the Pharisees were furious about. He

Pursuing Unity: One Body And One Spirit

“No man is an island” goes a famous adage. While there are people who can thrive on their own, albeit only for a short period, it is human nature to depend on one another. Even the Scripture supports this concept. Image source: In the Old Testament, David penned in Psalm 133:1 that “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” In the New Testament, Paul urged the Church of Ephesus (Ephesians 4:3) to “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” The Word of God encourages believers to work together because everyone will then be in the best position to do well in whatever he is called to do. Even Jesus Christ, when He lived on Earth and ministered to the lost, needed the help of dozens of people, including the 12 disciples. As a matter of fact, before He truly began His ministry, one of the first steps He took was to call out the disciples, teach them everything they needed to learn, a

Loving Others With The Right Love

There are instances when those who serve the Lord aren’t gentle and kind toward other people, yet say that they love them. While this can be true, kindness and gentleness are associated with love most of the time. Being filled with the love of God must enable one to show love in every aspect of life, even in the littlest ways. When a person loves with their own kind of love, they might fail to show real love, for there is no love apart from God. A heart that is filled with His love has no means of hurting others but protects them instead. The love of God is real and tangible; the kind of love that is capable of giving more love than before. There is no greater love than His love for the world that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of mankind. Image source : As Jesus has loved His children to the point of death on the Cross, they must also be willing to die for their friends. Jesus commanded His followers to “

The role of children in the church

Children have a special role to play in the church. They may be the ones running around the halls of the church while everyone is quiet, yet they fill the place with much joy. Jesus loves children; He had them come to Him, and even commanded His disciples not to prevent them from being near Him. Image source:  Kids never have the problem of believing that Jesus is their Lord and Savior. Christians who have accepted Jesus before they turn 18 stay in the church, and are more likely to stay. The stories parents and teachers tell kids about Jesus impact their lives, and they carry these with them, telling everyone they meet about how good Jesus is. It is harder for older children to accept Jesus. It must be the goal of every church that they win over children for Jesus.  When a person learns about something, he shares it with others. Kids are like this, too, only more enthusiastic. When they learn about Bible stories and Bible verses, they ar