Foster care: How it can change lives
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Foster care is meant to be temporary, but this doesn’t make it any less significant. It is a massive help to children looking for a safe haven, especially when parents are unable to take care of them or nurture them physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. The benefits are endless, including providing them a secure environment to live, opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise, and a chance to reach their full potential.
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The long-term goal for these children is proper reunification with their parents or families, or another permanent solution such as adoption. In the meantime, an effective foster care system will help address their full range of needs and any existing medical or behavioral problems, and save them from social isolation and the dangers they face in their current situation. To this end, church-based organizations, youth groups, and nonprofits have plenty of work to do to reach out to those in need and are most deserving of God’s love at this time.
Westside Family Church is a Christian organization in Lenexa, KS. The Church believes that worshipping Jesus Christ is only a facet of how people should be living their faith. That is why all week they participate in activities which will benefit the community, as well as lifegroup studies, growth classes, and mission projects. Learn more about its mission and activities on this page.
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